Thursday, December 12, 2019

Impeachment hearings

Dec. 12, 2019

When Democrats started addressing the lying propaganda from the republicans, in a calm and rational manner, the first one I heard this afternoon was cut off by NPR for a station break. They they went back to more ranting lies by Collins, etc. Then when another Democratic started correcting the republican lies, NPR cut off entirely from the hearing.

Dec. 11, 2019

l feel like it is my duty to listen to the impeachment hearings on the radio, but being a person to whom truth is a high value, having to listening to republicans go on and on telling the same lies over and over is painful. Eg., saying Democrats are rushing the process when it has already gone longer than the impeachment of Clinton.

Just now one saying the IG report said Trump did nothing wrong, another blatant lie.

A R. just said Mueller report said Trump did not conspire with Russians. A lie. It said there wasn't sufficient evidence, a very different thing. Until an email came to light laying out the plan, there was no evidence, except common sense, that the Trump administration wanted to ask people about citizenship for the census in order to discourage people in Democratic areas from being counted, and so decrease the number of members of Congress they could choose. Until this email was made public, republican members of the supreme court made statements indicating they had no problem with adding this question to the census. Afterward, they ended up ruling against it, because they knew that otherwise it would show they were working for the benefit of republicans.

A R said Ukraine leader did not know aid had been delayed at the time of the phone call, which has already been shown not to be true. What does it say about R's that they keep saying this over and over.

They keep saying D's are impeaching because they "don't like" Trump. Darn right, we don't like him selling us out to the Russians, working to divide us to benefit his own pocketbook. We don't like him bragging about assaulting women, which encourages other men to do the same to me. We don't like him encouraging his fans to attack his political opponents, which has happened. We don't like him rousing hatred toward others, such as immigrants and non-Christians, which has resulted in murder against them.

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