Hopefully Helpful Hints - updated Jan. 31, 2023

Jan. 31, 2023

You can select part of a window using Win-Shift-s to create a picture of the screen, like a screenshot of part of the screen.  Handy for making a picture out of text.

Aug. 27, 2020

When win+v stopped working to be able to paste things from the clipboard history, I was able to get it working again by turning the Clipboard History setting off and then back on.  In the search box on the taskbar, type Clipboard, select Clipboard Settings.

 May 18, 2020

How to take a screenshot on Windows 10 computers in several different ways


Sept. 27, 2019

Windows 10 allows you to save multiple items to the clipboard and choose the one you want to paste.
Ctrl + V still pastes the most recent copied or cut item.
Ctrl + Shift + V pastes the most recent copied or cut item without formatting.
Windows + V is used for the new feature.


Sept. 3, 2018

Youtube has restored the ability to cut off unwanted pieces of a video, from the beginning, the end, or in the middle. I didn't find it to be sensitive enough to pinpoint a second or two where I made a mistake, but it would be useful in a lot of situations.
Trim Youtube videos

Sept. 21, 2016
How to deal with a fake Facebook account

Sept. 9, 2014

If you haven't already discovered this, you can get converters between metric and U.S. measures easily by googling something like :
km to miles
c to f

June 29, 2016

If you have a blog on blogger.com, you might have recently experienced an annoying problem. The right panel, with settings such as Labels only fully appears when you move the cursor into that area.

While trying to type in labels, it kept sliding most of the way closed, and I had to keep moving the cursor.

I finally discovered that if I click in the Labels area after clicking the button, that the panel would remain open until I moved back to the main part of the blog.

June 29, 2016

I saw from a comment on a post in my newsfeed that some people don't know that you have things appear in your Facebook news feed with the most recent first.
To do this, in the left panel, near the top, click on the arrow to the right of the "News Feed" button, and select "Most Recent" from the drop-down box.

Jan. 30, 2016

Many people don't understand the PrtScr (Print Screen) button on the computer. It used to print the screen contents. Now it usually copies the screen to the Clipboard, where other copied stuff goes. Alt-PrtScr only captures the active window.
Then you can paste it in documents where you can past a picture.

The Wikipedia has a fuller discussion, with additional options.


Nov. 6, 2015

If you want to copy text w/o formatting, when you paste it, use Ctrl-Shift-V instead of Ctrl-V. Depending on the application, it will copy it directly w/o formatting, or give you a drop down selection to choose from.

Feb. 27, 2013

I find the Pocket feature of Mozilla Firefox browser really useful, even more so because my internet connection at home is slow.

I can save a link to the pocket, then read the article later when I have more time.

I can save several links while reading a news site, and then read the text version, which is much faster than having to wait for a bunch of the same graphic downloads over and over.

May 7, 2012


25 clever ideas to make life easier
Posted on November 01, 2011

Remove crayon masterpieces from your TV or computer screen with WD40 (also works on walls).

Gotcha! Find tiny lost items like earrings by putting a stocking over the vacuum hose.

Feb. 11, 2012

Many people don't know that web site names are case-insensitive. So are e-mail addresses, at least the ones I have used. And the "www." is usually added automatically. That seems to be something that has to be specified by the web site.
so typing FaceBook.com is the same as typing www.facebook.com

Jan. 17, 2012

from mental_floss Nov/Dec 2011

Muesli effect=Brazil nut effect : tendency of larger size particles to end up at top of mixture.

To counteract this : Hold the box upright and shake it side to side.


Oct. 20, 2011

Winter squash does not have to be peeled. The peel softens during cooking.
It is desirable to remove the seeds.

Yams are good in Chili. I discovered this myself, because that is what I had one day, and have since seen it in a recipe.
But I did not find carrots to be good in chili, even though they are great with most of the other stuff I put in my (vegetarian) chili.