Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Atlanta Family Finds Richness in Giving

I heard this earlier today. This family saw a man with a sign saying he was homeless & hungry. One of the family members remarked that a person in a nearby luxury car could help if they didn't spend so much money on the car. Then they realized the same applied to them. They downsized their spending by half, selling their big home & buying a smaller one. The give the difference to help others.


By Scott Casavant
Dec. 31, 2013

Up until the mid-2000s, the Salwens were a typical well-off Atlanta family. Successful careers allowed parents Kevin and Joan to buy a grand and beautiful home, and their children Hannah and Joe got to enjoy all the luxuries and all the stuff that came along with their parents’ success.


Here are Kevin and Hannah Salwen telling their story, upon which they based their book, The Power of Half.

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