Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Milk may exacerbate MS symptoms


I'm lucky that I am not one of the people who has this problem with milk.  I love milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese.




 News Release 1-Mar-2022
New study: Cow's milk protein triggers autoimmune response in mice that damages neurons
Peer-Reviewed Publication
University of Bonn


 The prompt for the study came from MS patients: "We hear again and again from sufferers that they feel worse when they consume milk, cottage cheese or yogurt," explains Stefanie Kürten from the Institute of Anatomy at University Hospital Bonn. "We are interested in the cause of this correlation."


Such cross-reactivity can occur when two molecules are very similar, at least in parts. The immune system then in a sense mistakes them for each other. "We compared casein to different molecules that are important for myelin production," Chunder says. "In the process, we came across a protein called MAG. It looks markedly similar to casein in some respects - so much so that antibodies to casein were also active against MAG in the lab animals."


Certain white blood cells, the B cells, are responsible for antibody production. The study found that the B cells in the blood of people with MS respond particularly strongly to casein. Presumably, the affected individuals developed an allergy to casein at some point as a result of consuming milk. Now, as soon as they consume fresh dairy products, the immune system produces masses of casein antibodies. Due to cross-reactivity with MAG, these also damage the myelin sheath around the nerve fibers.

However, this only affects MS patients who are allergic to cow's milk casein. "We are currently developing a self-test with which affected individuals can check whether they carry corresponding antibodies," says Kürten, who is also a member of the Cluster of Excellence ImmunoSensation2. "At least this subgroup should refrain from consuming milk, yogurt, or cottage cheese."

It is possible that cow's milk also increases the risk of developing MS in healthy individuals. Because casein can also trigger allergies in them - which is probably not even that rare. Once such an immune response exists, cross-reactivity with myelin can in theory occur. However, this does not mean that hypersensitivity to casein necessarily leads to the development of multiple sclerosis, the professor emphasizes. This would presumably require other risk factors. This connection is nevertheless worrying, Kürten says: "Studies indicate that MS rates are elevated in populations where a lot of cow's milk is consumed."

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