Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Sept. 11, 2018
Texas is being put on alert for possible flooding and dangerous surf as a new tropical threat is forecast to emerge in the western Gulf of Mexico later this week.
“Following downpours that have been pestering central and coastal Texas since last week, a new potential threat from the tropics may arrive late this week by way of the Gulf of Mexico,” said AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Alex Sosnowski.
"As if there were not enough tropical concerns with Florence bearing down on the Carolinas, Olivia taking a cruise through Hawaii and Isaac on a path through the Lesser Antilles and Caribbean, we have a feisty mass of showers and thunderstorms taking aim at the Gulf of Mexico his week," Sosnowski said.

Sept. 10, 2018
Michigan asks Trump administration to approve Medicaid work requirements

https://health.usnews. com/health-care/articles/2018-08-16/research-links-long-banned-insecticide-ddt-to-autism
Aug. 16, 2018
High levels of exposure to the insecticide DDT in women seems to more than double the risk of autism in their children, new research suggests.
The study looked for a link between the development of autism and two common environmental chemicals -- DDT and PCBs. PCBs are chemicals that were used in many products, especially transformers and electrical equipment. In this study, they weren't linked to autism.
"DDE, but not PCBs were related to autism in the offspring, especially autism with intellectual disability," Brown said.
The overall odds of autism were almost one-third higher in children born to moms with elevated DDE levels, the study found. For women with the highest DDE levels, the risk of autism with an intellectual disability was more than double.
But while the study found a link between autism and DDT exposure, it did not prove a cause-and-effect relationship.

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