Tuesday, November 12, 2013

When Internet satire gets passed off as "truth"

I'm not giving the specific examples cited in the article, because research has shown that doing so can actually lead to people remembering the falsehoods while forgetting that they are not true.

I have personally made comments, face-to-face or on Facebook, that I thought anybody would recognize as satire, but which some people thought I really meant.


By Louis Jacobson
Published on Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

Sometimes a story is so outrageous, the old journalist’s saying goes, that it’s "too good to check."

There’s been a lot of that going on recently.

Today, we checked the claim -- made on the Mr. Conservative website and then elsewhere in the blogosphere and on social media -- that the Obama administration is handing out a pamphlet titled -----

It sounds shocking -- but some quick Googling enabled us to find the source easily, a website called the Duffel Blog that offers satirical articles to servicemembers and veterans.

This is only the latest claim we’ve checked that began as satire but was transformed by social media into "truth."


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