Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Parents, speak up: Loud music wrecks kids' ears

In my neighborhood, it's the adult parents who subject their children to extremely loud music.


Kathryn Doyle Reuters
Nov. 26, 2013

Teenagers are at risk for serious long-term hearing problems caused by excessively loud music or other loud noises. But parents don't always grasp the gravity of the situation, or talk to their kids about it, according to a new study.

"I think parents are only recently becoming aware of the dangers of excessive noise exposure," study author Dr. Deepa L. Sekhar told Reuters Health.


One in eight American kids and teenagers - or more than 5 million - has a type of hearing loss that usually stems from overexposure to loud noises, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Teen hearing loss is a serious problem, Robert V. Harrison said.

Harrison, a senior scientist who studies hearing at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, was not involved in the new study.

Some teens have enough damage to have trouble communicating, he said, or they have ringing in the ears, which is a sure sign of damaged nerve cells in the parts of the brain devoted to hearing.

"But for many, the problem lies in the future 10, 20, 30 years ahead when ‘normal' age-related hearing loss comes earlier or is accelerated," he told Reuters Health.


They should also talk with their teen about using hearing protection in places where it is clear there is going to be a lot of noise, like concerts, shop class or outside while mowing the lawn.


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