Monday, November 04, 2013

Federal health care web site not only one with problems

The federal health care site is not the only one not working well. I commend Oregon for trying to do the same thing, but their health care site is not working right yet, so they are processing people with paper forms.

By Nick Budnick
on October 31, 2013

Technical problems won’t prevent people who need it from getting health coverage by Jan 1, officials said, citing new hires by Cover Oregon to process applications by hand.

The announcement by the state's new health exchange means it missed another hoped-for startup date, of Halloween. Because the website hasn’t enrolled anyone yet, agents are increasingly nervous that if the delays are not fixed then sick, less-affluent people who need tax credits from the exchange could lose coverage Jan. 1, after their old polices expire. To do so, they must enroll by Dec. 15.

Officials, however, say they’ve got it under control. ““We encourage Oregonians to get started now with an electronic or paper application,” said Howard “Rocky” King, executive director of Cover Oregon. “Even with our current online system challenges, we will make sure that no one gets left behind.”

Applications can be filled out by hand or downloaded from the website at Call Cover Oregon at 855-268-3767 for help.


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