Sunday, November 10, 2013

David Koch Introduces Chris Christie at Secret 2011 Koch Brothers Billionaire Summit as 'My Kind of Guy', 'A True Political Hero'

By Brad Friedman on 10/30/2013,

Exclusive audio revealed Rightwing gathering cheered NJ Guv's rejection of landmark greenhouse gas initiative weeks after secret one-on-one with billionaire brother, just months before state coast devastated by global warming-linked 'Superstorm Sandy'...


As to Christie's secret speech itself that night in Colorado --- the security for which was so extreme there were speakers set up around the perimeter of the dining hall to pump "pink noise" into the mountainside to stymie long-range parabolic microphones --- the NJ Governor delivered a stem-winder to the Kochs' assembled high and mighty. He bragged about how he'd fooled Democrats in the state legislature into supporting massive cuts to state pensions, and how he'd planned next to "take on the teachers' union once and for all."

The full audio and text transcripts of the remarks by Charles and David Koch, as well as the speech by Christie, are posted in full here, in case New Jersey voters would like to review the record before heading to the polls next Tuesday.

The full series of stories and their fallout can be perused here.

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