Sunday, December 13, 2009

Exploiting conservative character flaws and weaknesses

by: Daniel De Groot
Sat Dec 05, 2009 at 13:00

Digby writes admiringly of the move by several Democratic senators to surprise Sens Vitter and Coburn by co-sponsoring what they thought was a poison pill amendment to the Senate health care bill to require all members of Congress to enroll in the Public Option. It's a brilliant bit of bluff calling. The video clip she posts is enjoyable, Franken is proving worth the fight it took to get him there. One of Digby's commenters captures what happened here perfectly:

Like many conservatives, Coburn and Vitter have internalized their cynicism and assume that others are similarly corrupt and selfish. It must astound them that liberals actually want to rely on the services they would have the government provide.

Not understanding and appreciating one's enemies leads to truly stupid mistakes like this.
Xenos | 12.04.09 - 10:47 pm | #

Conservatives are very cynical, and the elected ones (being disproportionately double-high authoritarians) are quite often staggering hypocrites. The thing is, they get to a point where they assume everyone else thinks like them too. It's probably a psychological rationalization mechanism for immoral behaviour. It's ok to be self-serving and double dealing because everyone else is too. That sort of thing.


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