Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Basal cell carcinoma risk can be chronic

Sounds like it applies to my father.

July 25, 2012 | Contact: David Orenstein

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — In the powerful sunlight of July, newly published results from a large study of people at high risk for basal cell carcinoma support the emerging view of the nation’s most common cancer as a chronic ailment that often repeatedly afflicts older people but for which the seeds may be planted in youth. The research also found a new association with eczema.

“Basal cell carcinoma is a chronic disease once people have had multiple instances of it, because they are always at risk of getting more,” said Dr. Martin Weinstock, professor of dermatology in the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, who practices at the Providence Veterans Affairs Medical Center. “It’s not something at the moment we can cure. It’s something that we need to monitor continually so that when these cancers crop up we can minimize the damage.”


Anonymous said...

Yes,some people do get more than one basal cell, but what is genetics, why does each person have a different genetic code, scientifically it is passed on by our grandparents, parents, but why is someone more prone to cancer than others, why do these people have this family members that have dreadful diseases? Yes we need to have more research and find preventions and cures which cause the least amount of trauma to a person's body or mind.

A Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist point is that all people in this world think they are not accountable on how they conduct their lives, they make anger or something outside of themselves as the center of their lives (like god)there is nothing outside of themselves except believing in the Lotus Sutra, there is no god, no violence it shows a path that, if we put this doctrine as our attachment then we will be free of illnesses and poverty and whatever evil there is such as war, eventually when everyone practices.

Please read the Lotus Sutra interpreted by Nichiren Daishonin, best English by Burton Watson, you can find it on the internet.

Patricia said...

Huh? I advise you to learn some basic science about genetics.

Besides genetic susceptibility, exposure to too much sunlight increases the risk of skin cancer. People with light colored skin are more at risk from this.

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