Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Billionaires Are Trying to Buy the Presidential Election of 2012

I doubt this will come as a surprise to my readers!

May 30th, 2012

In an exclusive interview this morning, Jennifer Granholm asks David Axelrod to weigh in on GOP super PACs:

David Axelrod talks with Jennifer Granholm about billionaires buying the election (excerpted from full interview airing tonight):

GRANHOLM: This morning there was a story about how much money the Republican outside groups are going to be spending in this election. What do you know and will that keep you up at night?

AXELROD: There was a report this morning that the Republican super PACs, apart from Romney and apart from his own super PAC, intend to spend a billion dollars in this campaign setting up shadow state organizations—district-wide organizations—as well as running media. So a handful of plutocrats of billionaires with a special interest agenda are going to try and buy this government in this election, and the stakes of that are pretty profound.

GRANHOLM: Profound for the presidency? Profound for congress? Because that’s a lot of money.

AXELROD: I think the congressional races… I’m obviously concerned about the implications for our race, but we’ve braced ourselves… We’ve been talking about this for some time. It’s a concern. It’s one of my big concerns. But for congressional candidates, its gotta be a nightmare. We saw in the last election, in the last 3 weeks of those campaigns, super PACs swooped in and spent huge amounts of money in the final 3 weeks to influence those congressional races and turned a lot of races with their money. I think you can anticipate that in spades this year.

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