Monday, November 14, 2016

Public Release: 13-Nov-2016 Study finds following a healthy lifestyle can greatly reduce genetic heart attack risk Even among those at highest genetic risk, lifestyle factors can reduce incidence by one half Massachusetts General Hospital

Public Release: 13-Nov-2016
Study finds following a healthy lifestyle can greatly reduce genetic heart attack risk
Even among those at highest genetic risk, lifestyle factors can reduce incidence by one half
Massachusetts General Hospital

It is well known that following a healthy lifestyle -- not smoking, avoiding excess weight and getting regular exercise - can reduce the risk of heart disease. But what about people who have inherited gene variants known to increase risk? A study led by Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) investigators has found that, even among those at high genetic risk, following a healthy lifestyle can cut in half the probability of a heart attack or similar event. Their report is receiving early online publication in the New England Journal of Medicine to coincide with a presentation at the American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions.

"The basic message of our study is that DNA is not destiny," says Sekar Kathiresan, MD, director of the Center for Human Genetic Research at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), senior author of the NEJM report. "Many individuals - both physicians and members of the general public -- have looked on genetic risk as unavoidable, but for heart attack that does not appear to be the case."


Based on data gathered when participants entered each study, the investigators used four AHA-defined lifestyle factors -- no current smoking; lack of obesity, defined as a body mass index less than 30; physical exercise at least once a week, and a healthy dietary pattern -- to determine a lifestyle score, whether participants had a favorable (three or four healthy factors), intermediate (two factors) or unfavorable (one or no healthy factors) lifestyle.


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