Thursday, April 02, 2020

Bill Gates, who urged world leaders to prepare for a pandemic in 2015, lays out a 3-point plan on how the US can emerge victorious against COVID-19

Lauren Frias)
,Business Insider•April 1, 2020

Bill Gates, who urged world leaders back in a 2015 TED talk to prepare for a pandemic, has introduced a three-point plan on how the US could defeat the novel coronavirus.

Gates wrote an op-ed article for The Washington Post on Tuesday in which he made recommendations based on expert consultations he'd had through his work with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which is funding research for a treatment for the virus, which causes a respiratory disease known as COVID-19.

"There's no question the United States missed the opportunity to get ahead of the novel coronavirus," Gates wrote. "But the window for making important decisions hasn't closed.

"The choices we and our leaders make now will have an enormous impact on how soon case numbers start to go down, how long the economy remains shut down and how many Americans will have to bury a loved one because of COVID-19."


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