Friday, April 17, 2020

Beware - this 'virus infection' email is sending you malware

By Jitendra Soni
~ Mar. 31, 2020

While the world grapples with the coronavirus pandemic, hackers are reportedly using infection-related emails as a hook for a new phishing campaign.

A coronavirus-themed attack is looking to steal personal information from victims, including cryptocurrency wallets, web browser details for login credentials, IP addresses and more.

Discovered by BleepingComputer, the email is designed to appear like it has been sent from a nearby hospital, and informs users that they’ve come in contact with a Covid-19 infected person who could be a colleague, friend, or family member.

The attachment, once downloaded, opens as an excel file and alerts users to ‘enable content’ - however, once the content is enabled, the embedded macros in the excel file start to download, install and execute a malware. This malware can remain hidden from many forms of antivirus software, before tracking and stealing personal information such as:

Cryptocurrency wallets
Browser cookies containing saved login credentials
Local IP address and other related information
Modify network settings and allow files to be shared via the internet
List out all the programs installed on the system

Users are advised to remain extra cautious when opening any email from unknown sources. In case the email seems genuine, rather than panicking, try to first establish the authenticity of the email by contacting sender over the phone.


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