Friday, June 22, 2012

Happy Father's Day! Another reason why dads and hopeful dads should quit smoking now

Public release date: 22-Jun-2012
Contact: Cody Mooneyhan
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
New research in the FASEB Journal shows that cigarette smoke damages DNA in the reproductive cells of fathers and these changes are inherited by the offspring

Bethesda, MD—As you decide what to get dad for Father's Day, you might want to consider what he gave you when you were conceived. If he smoked, your genes are likely damaged, and your odds for cancers and other diseases throughout your life could be increased. A new research report appearing online in the FASEB Journal, scientists show for the first time in humans that men who smoke before conception can damage the genetic information of their offspring. These inherited changes in DNA could possibly render an offspring in the womb susceptible to later disease such as cancer. This provides evidence showing why men should be urged to stop smoking before trying to conceive in the same way women have been urged to quit. Interestingly, a fertile sperm cell takes about three months to fully develop; therefore men would ultimately need to quit smoking long before conception to avoid causing genetic problems.


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