Thursday, April 29, 2010

EPA Staffers Forced To Ignore Science

I haven't been posting much recently about the Bush record, but this week I saw a comment on another blog that there is no difference between Democrats and Republicans, so we should vote for a 3rd party candidate for president. Which of course is how Bush got enough votes in 2000 to allow the supreme court to steal the election for him. And I still see people claiming that it doesn't matter who we vote for as president. That is totally ridiculous.

A government review has found that the Bush administration forced EPA employees to ignore scientific findings in order to both water down concerns about climate change and to protect business. Sheila Kaplan of Politics Daily reports:

The Committee on Science Integration for Decision Making is still working on its investigation, but has quietly posted draft summaries on the agency’s website of 73 interviews with 450 EPA employees — an unusual bottom-up examination that could bring sweeping changes to the 40-year-old federal agency. Some staffers traced the problems in the agency to the Bush administration, while others said the obstacles are longstanding and continue to this day…

The review of the EPA followed accusations by a former agency official that President George W. Bush had pressured agency employees to water down concerns of global climate change, a Government Accountability Office report criticizing the agency’s toxic chemical review process, and stern recommendations by the National Research Council, a division of the National Academy of Sciences.


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