Thursday, June 27, 2013

When and why the Tea Party Movement Was Created!

Omar Rivero25 June, 2013

If you have ever been unfortunate enough to get caught in the political debate with a Tea Partier, I am sure that you have heard the tired lie that their supposedly grassroots movement sprung from the legitimate concerns of the oppressed American people that are sick and fed up with the big, bad, tyrannical federal government.

If this particular Tea Partier is well versed in Koch-produced talking points, he or she might have noted that, although their movement is largely funded by Koch brother money through Freedomworks, the actual groundwork and initial impetus originated organically from concerned and patriotic citizens.

However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. An academic study by the National Cancer Institute of Health has confirmed that front-groups with long-standing ties to the tobacco industry and the Koch brothers sinisterly planned this pseudo-populist uprising more than a decade before it burst onto the US political scene.

The study traced the roots of the Tea Party back to the early 1980s, when tobacco companies started investing in third-party groups to fight taxes and health studies which they considered detrimental to the longevity and profits of the tobacco industry.

The two organizations that are the most responsible for the rapid growth and proliferation of the Tea Party Movement are Americans for Prosperity and Freedomworks. Not only did these two organizations start off as a very pro tobacco lobby organization called Citizens for a Sounds Economy, they are now still actively “supporting the tobacco companies’ political agenda by mobilizing local Tea Party opposition to tobacco taxes and smoke-free laws.

The study even revealed that in 2002, the Kochs and their CSE partners-in-crime designed and published the first Tea Party Movement website under the URL


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