Saturday, June 15, 2013

Boston Children’s Hospital Finds Root Cause of Diabetes

Hope this works out.
I notice this research did not come from drug companies. No surprise, because it would finding cures is not likely to be worth it to them financially. I read a few days ago some man said drug companies should do such research because it is "the right thing to do", but that is not what a business is for.

by Melissa Malamut | Hub Health | June 13, 2013

Boston Children’s Hospital could be on the verge of curing type 1 diabetes. Seriously. This huge news, which was announced today on their blog, could affect the 215,000 people in the U.S. younger than 20 who have diabetes (type 1 or type 2). That’s a pretty huge number, so it’s no wonder why it’s been called an epidemic.


It will still be a few years before they can test the therapies in children, but the outcome of what was discovered here could be truly amazing.

“I believe it won’t be long before we can cure diabetes with a number of different therapies depending on the needs of the patient,” Fiorina says on the blog. “Then, if the right screening techniques for diabetes could be developed, it would be entirely possible in many cases that we could prevent the disease from ever developing in children. The future of diabetes treatment is very exciting.”

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