Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Taxpayers Get Bilked For Sarah Palin’s Diva Bus Tour Perks

June 7, 2011
By Jason Easley

Rep. Earl Blumenauer wants to know just how much taxpayer money was spent providing Sarah Palin with private tours, early admission, and special escorts at National Park Service run public attractions.

Here is the full letter:
[see article for full letter.
There were reports of private guided tours by public employees at national parks]

----- (skipping)

ep. Blumenauer wondered if the same perks that the Palins got were available to an average American family. More importantly, he wondered how much Sarah Palin’s traveling road show cost federal taxpayers. He requested that the National Park Service provide an explanation of their policies towards the use of taxpayer funds for publicity events. He also wants an accounting of how much was spent giving Sarah Palin the celebrity treatment.

As a private citizen Sarah Palin is allowed to visit any public place that she wants, but the taxpayers should not be responsible for her escort and security any more than they would be for any other citizen. Why are taxpayers footing the bill for Palin to get the VIP treatment? After all, she was supposed to be on a “family vacation.” In these tough economic times America can’t afford to make the transplanted Cactus Queen feel like a VIP.


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