Thursday, June 02, 2011

Radical New Birth Control for Men 100% Effective

Author: Ruben Roel
Published: June 01, 2011 at 3:08 pm

When it comes to birth control, women have more options than men. They can choose between pills, shots, patches, lubes, and some more drastic, surgical measures where they "tie" their tubes. We men have one of two options, Condoms or snipping away at the "family jewels".

Recently, scientists in India have managed to develop an injection for men that has so far proven to be 100% effective, best of all, it can be reversed with another injection with no side effects what so ever!

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A non toxic, positively charged polymer gets injected into the tube that your sperm pass through on their way from the testicles to the ... female area... the polymer doesn't block the tube, it just shocks the sperm to death. The sperm have a negative charge, while the polymer has a positive charge so they pretty much cancel each other out, and I'm not talking about just a few of them, the polymer kills EVERY single one of them, effectively delivering blanks.


1 comment:

hire a web programmer said...

Exactly true. And why not it be. Its all the women is the responsible for birth of a child not a man.

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