Monday, June 13, 2011

The Children Republicans Leave Behind

Posted on June 13, 2011 by Stephen D. Foster, Jr.


In their crusade to change the United States as we know it, Republicans that claim to be pro-life are actually not so pro-life after all. They have constantly called abortion the mass murder of unborn children and yet, the Republican agenda being slammed through the US House of Representatives and Republican controlled state houses across the country will end up killing or harming more children around the world than abortion ever could.

According to USAID, 70,000 children around the world will die if Republicans make the cuts it wants to make. Approximately 30,000 kids would die from cuts in malaria control programs, 24,000 from lack of immunizations, and 16,000 due to unsafe birthing practices. Because of these draconian budget cuts, Republicans are essentially sentencing tens of thousands of children, both born and unborn, to certain death. That is NOT pro-life.

Children in foreign countries are not the only children facing a life and death struggle. Even American children are in danger because of the Republican agenda. Republicans are currently attempting to eliminate the ban on insurance companies that keeps them from denying coverage to children with pre-existing conditions. Up until the enactment of reform, thousands of children with a pre-existing condition were denied coverage by insurers each year.


But Republicans are not through threatening the lives of children, both born and unborn. If Republicans have their way, kids will no longer be able to remain on their parents’ insurance plans until the age of 26 and pregnant women as well as breast and prostate cancer patients could be thrown off the insurance rolls. That not only puts unborn children and mothers at risk of dying, but also increases the likelihood of a child losing a parent.


Republicans are still not finished. They are also targeting welfare, unemployment benefits, and food stamps. Nearly half of all US children depend on food stamps during childhood. If you get food stamps, you are by definition in poverty and your household doesn’t have many assets. That means half of America’s children are living in poverty and Republicans are seeking to make that poverty even worse. Without food stamps, WIC, unemployment benefits, and welfare in general, millions of children across the country are at risk of starving to death How in the hell is that pro-life?


Republicans in many states, especially in Missouri and Maine, are introducing bills that will repeal child labor laws. Basically, Republicans are making it legal for corporations and factories to employ children, pay them less, and exploit them. Sick, isn’t it? Republicans are also introducing bills in states that would label molested or raped children as mere accusers instead of victims. Republicans are essentially making it easier for pedophiles to rape children. In Minnesota, Tim Pawlenty, former governor and potential Republican candidate for President, pardoned a child molester while he was in office, so that molester’s wife could open a child day care center in THEIR home.


Approximately 60 million children attend public school every year and the destruction of public education would affect at least half of them. According to the statistic mentioned earlier, nearly half of America’s children live in poverty. Thus, they would not be able to afford private education. Parents are having a hard enough time keeping their kids from starving and now Republicans want to force parents to send their child to expensive and overrated private schools. Private schools cost about $30,000 a year. That is a huge chunk of cash compared to the insignificant school tax we all pay to keep public education going.


The Republican war on children doesn’t end there, however. Republicans in Michigan and other red states are pushing for laws that will only allow foster children to buy second hand clothing.



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