Wednesday, June 08, 2011

After Plot to Rig Recall Exposed, Wisconsin Republicans Sue

Typical. The Republicans are so hypocritical.

June 4, 2011
By Sarah Jones

Irony Escapes Wisconsin Republicans As They Sue Over Secret Unedited Tape

Talk about poetic justice, albeit on a smaller scale and not exactly the same level of gotcha, the Wisconsin Republicans are suing over a secret tape made May 25 during their party’s monthly general membership meeting that revealed their plan to get around the recall elections by planting a spoiler Democrat in the recall for state Senator Kapanke. Yes, they are outraged.

Just imagine if someone had edited their secret tape to sound even worse than it did, spread it around to all of the networks, and they had lost their jobs because of it. Imagine, if you will, if they had been Breitbarted or O’Keefed. Because remember, when they do it, it’s “journalism”, even if they tell the people involved that they are not taping them, that the conversation is private. Even if they do it during a private lunch or lure a CNN anchor to their boat to entrap her.

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Ah, well, good to know. Certainly when one attends a monthly general membership party meeting, one assumes a reasonable expectation of privacy. One does not have a reasonable expectation of privacy, according to conservatives, at private lunches, private medical meetings or on private boats. And if you are on tape, what’s wrong with leaving out the statements that come before and after what you said, or running your dialogue over video that didn’t happen concurrently while making it appear as if it did? Got it? It’s the tape in general that Republicans object to, now, when it happens to them. Clearly they are unfamiliar with the sting of a O’Keefe-Breitbarted video and hence are unaware just how low this can go.

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Not one of them have denounced obvious efforts of O’Keefe and Breitbart to take statements out of context via deliberate and distorting editing. In fact, O’Keefe was given center stage today at the Ralph Reed “faith and freedom coalition” fest. So, the conservatives are all for entrapment and deliberate abuse of privacy when it benefits their cause, but against the transparency of having their party meeting recorded and revealed.

And they call themselves Christians.

Wisconsin Republicans miss the irony of their suddenly being pro-law and order. Now they care about time, whereas in another court they are arguing that time is no biggie. They are against being secretly taped at a public meeting, but for secret tapes being edited and played on national news which then cost the victim their job.


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