Monday, November 04, 2024

The structure of this blog

I have several blog posts that are at the top of my blog for extended periods of time, because I believe they are of continuing usefulness. So when you look at my blog, the fact that the first few are the same doesn't mean I haven't updated the blog recently.

Thursday, October 03, 2024

What Kind of World

What Kind of World
© copyright 2016 Patricia M. Shannon

What kind of world do we want to leave the future?
What will they say about us when we are gone?
Will they thank us? Will they curse us?
Will there be anybody left to care at all?
Will they thank us? Or will they curse us?
Will there be anybody left to care at all?
Will there be anybody left to care at all?

We have learned much, risen from the muck.
Will we throw it all away?
We could continue on so far, maybe even to the stars,
if we don't throw it all away, if we don't throw it all away.


(verse 2)
When we take a stand, we can heal the land,
if we work together now.
We could get power from the sun, prevent our own extinction,
if we would work together now,
if we just work together now.

(verse 3)

[Wrote this verse the evening of Sept. 12, 2017, the day after tropical storm, formerly super hurricane Irma, came thru the metro Atlanta area.]

We've known a long time we're committing a grave crime
if we refuse to change our ways.
Now the time has come to pay: drowning, burning, blown away.
Because we wouldn't change our ways.
We just refused to change our ways.

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Take Care of Our Planet

Lyrics to a song I wrote. I'm not a great singer, but when I sang it at an open mic, w/o accompaniment, in a restaurant, everybody stopped talking. Only time I've seen that. So people do care.

The recording is sung by UD Banks, and produced by David Leonard of Reveal Audio Services.

Take Care of Our Planet
copyright 2001 Patricia M. Shannon

Walking in the early sunlight, with the calling birds,
I see the trees against the newborn sky;
listening to the breeze, I hear God's voice
saying "Take care of this planet, don't make it die!"
We must

take care of our planet,
it's the only home we have;
it will give us what we need,
if we treat it respectfully.

He did not make the earth to be just a toy,
or an enemy with which we are at war;
remember that we were just an afterthought,
stewards and not owners are what we are.

Now some say the end is coming,
so we'll need the earth no more;
He said no one will expect it,
might be 10,000 years to go.


He did not mean for us to be parasites,
always taking destruction to new heights,
killing off the species He so carefully planned,
in the interdependent web of life.

Don't depend on some angels,
or a space ship from on high
to save you from your own folly,
if you do, you're sure to die."



Hurricane Helene federal assistance available


Federal disaster assistance is available for Helene, as well as other recent disasters.

See the web site for affected areas and deadlines.

Disasters with past dates may be open for late applications.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Apple juice recall


The article has a link to the FDA website of products under the recall.

The Food and Drug Administration has expanded a recall for apple juice that contains higher levels of inorganic arsenic that are typically found in the products.

In August, Walmart recalled nearly 10,000 cases of Great Value apple juice sold in its stores in 26 states, including Georgia. Now, the recall includes other brands sold at Aldi, BJs, Market Basket, Walgreens and Weis Markets.

Aldi confirmed that the Nature’s Nectar Apple was sold here in Georgia and 15 other states.

Monday, September 09, 2024

Humans are using too many plants

New Scientist

Sept. 23, 2023

Humans are now consuming over a quarter of the biomass produced each year by plants on land, leaving too little for wildlife and putting at risk the biosphere on which all life on Earth depends. To keep the planet in a suitable state for civilisation, we should be using no more than a tenth of plant biomass for our food and fuel, researchers say.

This means that plans to tackle climate change by using even more biomass, for instance to turn into fuel for aeroplanes, will seriously damage the planet in other ways, says Katherine Richardson at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, such as by causing more deforestation and species loss.


Monday, September 02, 2024

What Kind of Job Is Important

The relevance is really obvious in the wake of the several recent very destructive natural disasters. Obviously, not a comprehensive list of important jobs.


What Kind of Job Is Important
© copyright 2017 Patricia M. Shannon

What kind of jobs are important? What do we really need?
What is it we cannot live without, not just an expression of greed?
We need food and water, shelter from the cold.
The farmer, the plumber, the carpenter are far more important than gold.

Those who have been thru the tunnel/valley, seen the light then returned to our shores,
tell us helping each other, and always be learning, that is what we are here for.
And no one returns from the other side to say that our value is shown
by the size of our stock portfolio, or the number of cars that we own.

Some people think they're important, because they sit at their desks all day
making money by moving money around in a circular way.
But what use is money if there's no one who can buy,
and no one to fix the power lines, or the pipes when the water runs dry.


Saturday, August 24, 2024

What we can VERIFY about Project 2025 and the FDIC

 6:22 PM EDT July 17, 2024


While Project 2025 doesn’t address changes to deposit insurance, The Heritage Foundation concluded in a separate 2017 report that “government-provided deposit insurance should be phased out fully” and proposed reducing coverage to around $40,000 per individual in the interim.


'Head of household’ no more: Republicans want to make being a single parent more expensive


One of the most pressing issues confronting the next Congress and administration will be how to deal with the expiration of the 2017 Trump tax cuts — and, more specifically, who will pay for the cost of extending some or all of those cuts.

One of the more widely accepted ideas circulating on the right is to raise income taxes on single parents, more than 80 percent of whom are women and a disproportionate share of whom are people of color. The idea has been lauded by prominent think tanks, Project 2025, U.S. senators and, in his 2016 presidential campaign, by Donald Trump himself.


among a large segment of the right, single parenthood is seen as an immoral family structure. If life can be made more difficult and expensive for single parents, the thinking apparently goes, more parents will choose to get married or stay married for financial reasons, regardless of whether their marriages are fostering home environments that are healthy and safe for the children and the parents. Vice presidential nominee JD Vance displayed this attitude, for example, when he controversially complained in 2021 that the “sexual revolution” had made divorces too easy to get. He said many divorces “really didn’t work out for the kids of those marriages,” even if in some cases the relationships being dissolved were “unhappy” or “even violent” like that of his grandparents.


Friday, August 09, 2024

Point of View

Point of View
copyright 2002 Patricia M. Shannon

There were two men from the same village,
the truest friends you've ever known.
They were blood-brothers when they were children,
They married sisters when they were grown.

They were the best of friends, the best of friends,
brothers of the heart,
They were the best of friends, the best of friends,
nothing ever could tear them apart.

One day the Trickster bet the village,
he could get these friends into a fight;
"Oh, no," said the village,
"We know you can't be right."


Tricks made a coat of different colors,
walked between them so they could view;
"What a lovely red.", said one friend,
said the other : "No, it is blue."

They started shouting at each other
over which one saw it true,
Trickster turned around and showed them
"It's all in your point of view."

They were the best of friends, the best of friends,
brothers of the heart,
They were the best of friends, the best of friends,
they thought nothing could tear them apart.


I'm not an excellent singer, but here is a video if you want to hear the song.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Welfare Religion

I wrote this song after my experiences working with people who bragged about being "born again". It didn't keep them from being mean dishonest liars. I started asking them how being "born again" had changed how they treated other people. Not a single one said it had any effect. They ALL looked puzzled at the idea. They admitted it hadn't, but said it made them feel so good.

The on-line book "The Authoritarians" refers to Dietrich Bonhoeffer's coining of the phrase "cheap grace", in chapter 4:
"Cheap Grace. Unfortunately, fundamentalist Protestantism may directly promote hypocrisy among its members through one of its major theological principles: that if one accepts Jesus as a personal savior and asks for the forgiveness of one’s sins, one will be saved. But a lot depends on what “accepts” means. Is one’s life transformed? Do good works increase? Is the born-again person more like Jesus, holier? That would be all to the good. But because of some evangelist preachers, the interpretation has grown that all “accepts” means is a one-time verbal commitment. You say the magic words and you go to heaven, no matter what kind of life you lead afterwards. Many have thought that a pretty sweet deal. You’ve conned a free pass through the Pearly Gates from the Almighty and you can sin and debauch all you want for the rest of your life. "

A nifty phrase. It describes what my poem/song "Welfare Religion" is about. And I have incorporated it into the song.
If you read the Bible, you know that is not what Jesus said. Eg., Matthew 25.

When sung, the last verse is the chorus.

Welfare Religion
copyright Patricia M. Shannon 1996

What would Jesus think if He came to earth today?
Do you think He would be happy with all the folks who say:
"I am saved, alleluia, and I'll live forever more".
But they would never think of giving comfort to the poor.

They say they believe in Jesus and the Bible is all true,
but they ignore what He did say in Chapter 25 of Matthew:
What you do for the less fortunate, you've done it unto Me,
and where you go after you're dead depends upon your deeds.

They say "I feel so good because I have been born again.
And what's that got to do with how I treat my fellow men?
Jesus loves me, this I know, He loves only myself;
it's true, because He doesn't care how I treat anybody else.

I believe in Jesus, no need to change my ways,
just massage His ego once or twice a day.
I believe in Jesus, all it takes is that cheap grace,
to get me into heaven, the perfect welfare state.

The Mathematics of Inequality



Mathematical analysis shows that without redistribution, wealth becomes increasingly more concentrated, and inequality grows until almost all assets are held by an extremely small percent of people.  History shows this analysis is accurate.   I first saw such an analysis years ago, I believe in Scientific American in the winter in 1990, 1991, or 1992. I haven't been able to find the article in the Scientific archives, because they don't have good enough descriptions for the column where it would have appeared. I bought several articles I hoped would be the right one, but didn't find it. Luckily, there were finally some more recent analyses I was able to reference in my blog.

By Taylor McNeil
October 12, 2017

Seven years ago, the combined wealth of 388 billionaires equaled that of the poorest half of humanity, according to Oxfam International. This past January the equation was even more unbalanced: it took only eight billionaires, marking an unmistakable march toward increased concentration of wealth. Today that number has been reduced to five billionaires.

Trying to understand such growing inequality is usually the purview of economists, but Bruce Boghosian, a professor of mathematics, thinks he has found another explanation—and a warning.

Using a mathematical model devised to mimic a simplified version of the free market, he and colleagues are finding that, without redistribution, wealth becomes increasingly more concentrated, and inequality grows until almost all assets are held by an extremely small percent of people.


It’s easy to imagine how wealth-attained advantage works in real life. “The people with that advantage receive better returns on their investments, lower interest rates on loans, and better financial advice,” said Boghosian. “Conversely, as Barbara Ehrenreich famously observed, it is expensive to be poor. If you are working two jobs, you don’t have time to shop for the best bargains. If you can’t afford the security deposit demanded by most landlords, you may end up staying in a motel at inflated prices.”

The model tracks the data with remarkable accuracy, he said.


Putting aside ethical issues of growing inequality, it can also create an unhealthy economy, Boghosian said. “That’s because when wealth concentrates and the middle class is depleted too much, you may get very wealthy industrialists, very wealthy manufacturers, but to whom do they sell their products? It locks up the economy,” he said.



By Mark Buchanan
reprinted from The Australian Financial Review
September 2002
(originally in New Statesman)


Even if everyone starts out equally, and they remain equally adept at choosing investments, differences in investment luck will cause some people to accumulate more wealth than others. Those who are lucky will tend to invest more, and so have a chance to make greater gains still. Hence, a string of positive returns builds a person's wealth not merely by addition but by multiplication, as each subsequent gain grows ever bigger. This is enough, even in a world of equals where returns on investment are entirely random, to stir up huge disparities of wealth in the population.


Thursday, July 04, 2024


copyright Patricia M. Shannon 1996

They say that they are patriots because they love to wave the flag,
but they throw their trash along the road, and pour used oil down the drain.
They say that they are patriots because the pledge they love to say,
but they never bother to turn out the lights when they go home for the day.

How can we be patriots and not do all we can
to protect the earth upon which all our lives depend?
How can we be patriots and not help our fellow men?
What else is a country, but its people and its land?

They say that they are patriots because, they will always choose
to vote to build more prisons, while cutting funding for our schools.
They say that they are patriots, Star Spangled Banner they do sing,
but to their big gas-guzzlers they selfishly do cling.

How can we be patriots and not do all we can
to prevent the earth from turning into barren sands?
How can we be patriots and not lend a helping hand?
What else is a country, but its people and its land?

They say that they are patriots, because it fills them with such glee
to send our young folks overseas to be killed by enemies.
They say that they are patriots, but they would never think
to tutor some poor kids to help them stay out of the clink.

How can we be patriots and not do all we can
to protect the earth upon which all our lives depend?
How can we be patriots and not help our fellow men?
What else is a country, but its people and its land?

A country's not a piece of cloth, or words we say by rote;
a country's not a song we sing before we watch a sport.
And love's not just a feeling, it's something that we do,
every day, in every way, in everything we choose.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Beryl becomes extremely rare June hurricane east of the Caribbean

July 29, 2024

There has been just one hurricane formation east of the Caribbean in June, and that was during the all-time record-breaking hurricane season of 1933. So to say this is extremely rare (and troubling) is an understatement.

Thursday, May 09, 2024

Trump's promises to oil companies

 Washington Post -As Donald Trump sat with some of the country’s top oil executives at his Mar-a-Lago Club last month, one executive complained about how they continued to face burdensome environmental regulations despite spending $400 million to lobby the Biden administration in the last year.

Trump’s response stunned several of the executives in the room overlooking the ocean: You all are wealthy enough, he said, that you should raise $1 billion to return me to the White House. At the dinner, he vowed to immediately reverse dozens of President Biden’s environmental rules and policies and stop new ones from being enacted, according to people with knowledge of the meeting, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe a private conversation.

Giving $1 billion would be a “deal,” Trump said, because of the taxation and regulation they would avoid thanks to him, according to the people.

Trump’s remarkably blunt and transactional pitch reveals how the former president is targeting the oil industry to finance his reelection bid. At the same time, he has turned to the industry to help shape his environmental agenda for a second term, including the rollbacks of some of Biden’s signature achievements on clean energy and electric vehicles.

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Hunger Walk song - sheet music on-line

Lyrics for "Hunger Walk" are below.
Below that is the lyrics with chord names.

This song may be sung for free in support of food programs that serve the needy on a non-sectarian basis

Sheet music with melody and chord names is at:

Hunger Walk Song
copyright 1994 Patricia M. Shannon
to the tune of the hymn Come Ye Thankful People, Come

Join us on the Hunger Walk/Drive,
share the love and joy we feel,
as we walk/work together for
those who are in present need.
We can make a difference,
when we work toge~ther;
as you help us reach our goal,
you will also feed your soul.

Let's give thanks to all our friends,
who give of their time and pay,
in the groups that work so hard
to make sure no one does starve.
We can never know just when
we will need a helping hand,
our support will help ensure,
community food banks will endure.

Many children in our land
often suffer hunger pains;
it can stunt the healthy growth
of their body and their brains.
Children are the fu~ture;
they need more than just a song;
when we help to nourish them,
we help to keep our country strong.

Hunger Walk Song page 1
copyright 1994 Patricia M. Shannon
to the tune of the hymn Come Ye Thankful People, Come

Patricia M. Shannon

(Verse 1)
F C F Dm C F
Join us on the Hunger Walk/Drive,

F C F Dm Gm A
share the love and joy we feel,

Dm Gm C F
as we walk/work together for

F Bdim C Dm C G Bdim C
those who are in present need.

C C7 F C F
We can make a difference,

F F7 Bb Adim Bb
when we work to-ge- ther;

D Gm C F
as you help us reach our goal,

Bb F Dm F C C7 F
you will also feed your soul.

Hunger Walk Song page 2

(Verse 2)
F C F Dm C F
Let's give thanks to all our friends,

F C F Dm Gm A
who give of their time and pay,

Dm G C F
in the groups that work so hard

F Bdim C Dm C G Bdim C
to make sure no one does starve.

C C7 F C F
We can never know just when

F F7 Bb Adim Bb
we will need a helping hand,

D Gm C F
our support will help ensure,

F Bb F Dm F C C7 F
community food banks will endure.

Hunger Walk Song page 2

(Verse 3)
F C F Dm C F
Many children in our land

F C F Dm Gm A
often suffer hunger pains;

Dm Gm C F
it can stunt the healthy growth

F Bdim C Dm C G Bdim C
of their bodies and their brains.

C C7 F C F
Children are the future;

F F7 Bb Adim Bb
they need more than just a song;

D Gm C F
when we help to nourish them,

F Bb F Dm F C C7 F
we help to keep our country strong.

Feed and Freeze


I wrote this song after reading a few years ago that there are children in our country who routinely lose weight in the winter because their families cannot afford both enough food and heat. And of course people need more food when they are cold.

Feed and Freeze
copyright 2001 Patricia M. Shannon

If I feed my my children, they will freeze
'cause the gas bill is so high.
When they say "Mama, mama, can I have some food",
sometimes I just break down and cry,
sometimes I just break down and cry.

They don't understand that I don't have enough food
for them to have their fill.
I have to pay the heating bill
'cause it's cold enough to kill;
it's cold enough to kill;

We turn the thermostat way down
and wear a lot of clothes.
We hang out at the Waffle House,
but the heating bill just grows and grows,
the heating bill just grows.


They say you'll be a big success
if you work really hard.
But I slave all day at the fast food place
and the minimum wage is my reward,
the minimum's my reward

They say they can't pay anymore,
the economy's too slow;
Profits are down, but they gave a raise
and a bonus to the CEO;
a big bonus to the CEO.


Friday, February 16, 2024

Trump traitor


Saturday, February 10, 2024

Judge Cannon put witnesses against Trump in danger

 Judge Cannon is the district court judge in the Trump classified documents case. She was appointed by Trump. This is info on her recent actions that put witnesses in danger.

From Twitter, Ben Meiselas @meiselasb

Feb. 9, 2024

Moments ago, Judge Cannon just made a very dangerous ruling and we cannot let it slip under the radar. 

I am sure Jack Smith’s team is working feverishly on a response right now. 

Judge Cannon just ordered that by tomorrow February 10, Jack Smith provide Trump with information about the death threats against a confidential witness in the Mar-A-Lago document case which Cannon previously allowed Jack Smith to file ex parte (meaning Trump can’t see it) and under seal (meaning the public can’t see it) as part of his motion for reconsideration where Cannon applied a wrong legal standard and where she ordered dozens of confidential witnesses and their statements in the case be made public. 

Here is the sequence of events:

February 6 - Cannon makes a ruling to make the names of confidential witnesses and confidential info public (doc 283)

-February 7 Wednesday Jack Smith makes a filing (doc 289) saying we are going to file a motion for reconsideration of your ruling about making confidential witnesses public and to file that motion for reconsideration we want to show you an exhibit that shows the types of death threats against witnesses but since there is an ON GOING CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION in the threats we CAN ONLY show it you as the judge and not Defendant (they may be the culprit) so we need to file it EX PARTE (only to the you the judge and not Trump) and under seal (NOT PUBLIC)

-Feb 8 Thursday (doc 293) Cannon says Jack Smith can file the document ex parte and under seal as part of your motion for reconsideration of my prior order (doc 283). 

-Feb 8 Thursday (doc 294) Jack Smith files his motion for reconsideration as he said he would and filed that exhibit that shows the threats to witnesses as doc 296. 

-Feb 9, moments ago, Cannon orders Jack Smith to turn over that ex parte and under seal document to Trump by February 10, effectively imperiling the safety of witness and intentionally compromising the DOJ investigation!

Friday, January 26, 2024

You might be eligible for free tax preparation


I'm working on my Tax-Aide certification.

If you have tried to get your taxes done for free by Tax-Aide, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA), or Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) in the past but were out of scope, you might be eligible now because the scope often expands as training is developed for new things.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Devastating drought in Amazon result of climate crisis, study shows


Wed 24 Jan 2024 12.00 EST


The climate crisis turned the drought that struck the Amazon rainforest in 2023 into a devastating event, a study has found.

The drought was the worst recorded in many places and hit the maximum “exceptional” level on the scientific scale. Without planet-warming emissions from the burning of oil, gas and coal, the drought would have been far less extreme, the analysis found.

It also showed the drought was made 30 times more likely to happen by global heating. The return of the natural El Niño climate phenomenon is associated with drier conditions but played only a small role, the scientists said.

The climate crisis is supercharging extreme weather across the planet, but the extreme Amazon drought is a stark and worrying example because the rainforest is already thought to be close to a tipping point into a drier state. This would result in a mass die-off of trees in the world’s most important store of carbon on land, releasing large amounts of CO2 and driving global temperatures even higher.

Millions of people in the Amazon have been affected by the drought, with some rivers at their lowest levels for more than a century. There have been drinking water shortages, failed crops and power cuts, as hydroelectric plants dried up. The drought also worsened wildfires and high water temperatures were linked to a mass mortality of river life, including the deaths of more than 150 endangered pink river dolphins in a single week.



Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Media hyping Trump

 Jan. 16, 2024

AP news, CBS, & NBC apps all are reporting Trump won a commanding first place in the Iowa caucus last night, but didn't give his percentage. NPR radio did say he won half, NY Times at the beginning of their article gave % for each candidate. Trump got 51%, so almost half voted for another candidate.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Extreme weather more coomon


Climate disruption is making many climate extremes happen more often and more extreme. Citing previous extreme weather as "proof" there is no change is like saying covid doesn't cause increased deaths because people have always died.

Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Woman who had a miscarriage is now charged with abusing a corpse

Because, like many women who miscarry, she passed it while on the toilet and didn't fish it out.

An Ohio woman who had sought treatment at a hospital before suffering a miscarriage and passing her nonviable fetus in her bathroom now faces a criminal charge, her attorney told CNN.

Brittany Watts, 33, of Warren, has been charged with felony abuse of a corpse, Trumbull County court records show.
