Friday, July 24, 2020


July 24, 2020

Masks are important to protect ourselves and others, and some people have taken issue with me because when people post pro-mask videos or other links claiming that they should not be a problem to anybody, and that those who do experience problems such as feeling light headed are imagining, I have posted rebuttals, even though I state that I am for wearing masks and so myself.

As I said on Facebook:
I am not just concerned about the way I am treated, but about other people, the general attitude in our country now, which I find disturbing. Since I have experience with this problem, I can act as a spokesperson for others. I really hate to see people being put down for not towing the party line precisely, like little puppets, whether on the liberal or conservative side.

Someone asked how long I stay at the grocery store. My answer:
I have been going to the grocery store every two or three weeks, so when I go, I am there awhile. And I walk briskly between places where there is food I want. When I took a neighborhood cat who is having health problems to the vet yesterday, and was just sitting and standing around for awhile with a mask, I didn't have the same problem. But I did feel hard of breathing last night and today, which I suspect is a reaction to the disinfectants there.

Please don't falsely accuse me of saying people shouldn't use disinfectants because I am sensitive to them.

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