Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Every heart dances to a different tune

News Release 20-May-2020
European Society of Cardiology

Sophia Antipolis - 20 May 2020: Play the same piece of music to two people, and their hearts can respond very differently. That's the conclusion of a novel study presented today on EHRA Essentials 4 You, a scientific platform of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).

This pioneering research revealed how music triggers individual effects on the heart, a vital first step to developing personalised music prescriptions for common ailments or to help people stay alert or relaxed.


Commenting on the individual nature of reactions, Professor Chew said: "Even though two people might have statistically significant changes across the same musical transition, their responses could go in opposite directions. So for one person the musical transition is relaxing, while for another it is arousing or stress inducing."

For example: a person not expecting a transition from soft to loud music could find it stressful, leading to a shortened heart recovery time. For another person it could be the resolution to a long build-up in the music and hence a release, resulting in a lengthened heart recovery time.

Professor Chew said: "By understanding how an individual's heart reacts to musical changes, we plan to design tailored music interventions to elicit the desired response."

"This could be to reduce blood pressure or lower the risk of heart rhythm disorders without the side effects of medication," added Professor Lambiase.


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