Saturday, December 31, 2016

Wis. agency scrubs webpage to remove climate change

Now we know how to solve a problem. Simply don't allow any mention of it.

Lee Bergquist, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 3:31 p.m. EST December 29, 2016

MILWAUKEE — Wisconsin's state agency that oversees environmental regulation recently removed language from its webpage on the Great Lakes that says humans and greenhouse gases are the main cause of climate change.

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources now contends the subject is a matter of scientific debate.

The department made the changes Dec. 21, striking out whole sentences attributing global warming to human activities and rising levels of carbon dioxide.

It’s the most recent example of the agency removing information related to climate change. More broadly, the changes reflect how the administration of Republican Gov. Scott Walker has de-emphasized the subject since he took office in 2011.


The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources also recently removed a teaching guide on climate change from its website. According to the agency, it is turning it over to the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.


Bill Davis, president of the John Muir chapter of the Sierra Club in Madison, described the scrubbing as “unfortunate, but not surprising — they’ve been doing it pretty much since Walker got into office.

“This is an asset, paid for with public funds, and the fact it was scrubbed off its website is not good public policy,” he said.


Climate change is affecting the Great Lakes, Brammeier said, citing as one example Green Bay’s dead zone, which has been linked to runoff and warm summer water temperatures.


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