Sunday, November 27, 2016

Simpler strategies to promote physical activity as good as social media feedback

Public Release: 4-Oct-2016
Simpler strategies to promote physical activity as good as social media feedback
Penn State

Providing physically inactive adults access to online social networking about walking as well as personalized feedback did not add more benefit than just providing emailed tips, according to Penn State College of Medicine researchers. The results suggest that despite enthusiasm for the potential of online networking sites to change behavior, using these sites and added feedback may not further increase adults' physical activity beyond simpler strategies such as informational tips.

"Given prior research showing that physical activity is influenced by physically active role models, we may need to find ways to expose people to these role models that do not require participants to engage in the time-consuming online or in-person interactions that have been part of this study, and numerous other prior studies," said Liza Rovniak, associate professor of medicine and public health sciences. "More needs to be learned about how to address barriers to online social media participation."


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