Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Turning web sites into picture books

I have noticed that several web sites I used to read almost every day went over to the picture book style as soon as internet providers were allowed to charge more for those who use more band width. I am for this to the extent that I should't have to subsidize people who download (often stealing) a lot of video. Also, many web sites, including Facebook, will automatically start playing a video. All these pictures & videos require more bandwidth and take longer to download. Surely it will cause some people to buy higher speed internet servicee. What it has done for me is cause me to avoid those sites. I am all for not forcing me to subsidize people who download (often stealing) a lot of video. But with the interconnectedness of media, one has to wonder if the purpose of all this is to try to force us to pay more.
Also, at the same time, the Facebook checkbox to hide the pictures stopped working for a few days, which I complained about. I don't know if my complaint was noted. It could have been an accidental result of some other change by Facebook. Only the coders know for sure.

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