Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Getting a job while homeless

My previous post was about a homeless man, Eric Sheptock, who has a blog. He has recently gotten a job and plans to write about it. The NPR news article I posted talked about problems that homeless people have getting and keeping a job.

I saw this at first hand.
I worked as a waitress at Waffle House between IT jobs. One young man got a job at our store. He didn't have a car. He might have had a bicycle, I can't remember. He was sleeping in the back room at night, before or after his shift. He seemed to be a good worker. He needed to have a job long enough to save enough money for a deposit on an apartment. Well, our evil, jerky manager found out he was sleeping in the back room and fired him because of that. Note that he wasn't sleeping on his shift.

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