Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Raising The Minimum Wage By $1 May Prevent Thousands Of Suicides, Study Shows

January 8, 20205:03 PM ET
Graison Dangor

A new study suggests that raising the minimum wage might lower the suicide rate — especially when unemployment is high — and that doing so might have saved tens of thousands of people from dying by suicide in the last quarter century.

The minimum federal minimum wage is $7.25, though many states have set it higher. Between 1990 and 2015, raising the minimum wage by $1 in each state might have saved more than 27,000 lives, according to a report published this week in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. An increase of $2 in each state's minimum wage could have prevented more than 57,000 suicides.


Crucially, researchers found that raising the minimum wage appears to reduce the suicide rate more when it's harder to find a job. In bad times, the same $1 increase could save more people than it might during good times.

"The higher unemployment is, the stronger that potential protective effect appears to be," says Kaufman.


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