Thursday, January 23, 2020

19 Things You Might Not Know Were Invented by Women

Mental Floss
Amanda Green
This article was originally published on March 15, 2018, by Mental Floss

Though it wasn't always easy to get patents or the credit they deserved, women are responsible for many items we use today.

1. The Paper Bag ...

2. Kevlar

3. The Foot-Pedal Trash Can

4. Monopoly

5. Windshield Wipers

6. Disposable Diapers

7. The Dishwasher

8. Liquid Paper

9. Alphabet Blocks

10. The Apgar Score

11. Marine Signal Flares

12. The Circular Saw

13. Retractable Dog Leash

14. Submarine Telescope and Lamp

15. Folding Cabinet Bed

16. The Solar House

17. Scotchgard

18. Invisible Glass

19. Computers

Women in computer science have a role model in Grace Hopper. She and Howard Aiken designed Harvard's Mark I computer, a five-ton, room-sized machine in 1944. Hopper invented the compiler that translated written language into computer code and coined the terms "bug" and "debugging" when she had to remove moths from the device. In 1959, Hopper was part of the team that developed COBOL, one of the first modern programming languages.

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