Sunday, May 22, 2011

Zeroed out: NOAA Climate Service funding axed in budget CR

Posted on April 12, 2011 by Ryan Maue

From the House Appropriations Committee: Summary — Final Fiscal Year 2011 Continuing Resolution: PDF

Page 2: Commerce, Justice, Science: “This section of the CR also prohibits funding for: the establishment of a Climate Service at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.“

Here is the dream website of the NOAA Climate Service.

Now, NOAA can get back to essential services like severe weather warnings, hurricane hunting, and fisheries.

Hopefully people won’t die, as Bill Hopkins, the NWS Employees Organization vice president predicted last month (WUWT post link) if the House’s original budget cuts were implemented:

Bill Hopkins, vice president of the NWS Employees Organization, said the public may be in real danger a [Republican] House bill is passed that would slash The National Weather Service’s budget by $126 million.”It could potentially lead to a loss of lives, not necessarily in San Antonio, but it could in other parts of the county,” Hopkins said.Local NWS offices would likely deal with rolling closures and furloughs, leaving the Corpus Christi NWS office to take over issuing warnings for the San Antonio area.”Not only will they be watching your area, but they will also be watching their area, and there will be no increase in personnel to do this,” Hopkins said.The national NWS office said President Obama has opposed to such harsh cuts. Hopkins said the cuts would significantly affect those along the Gulf Coast.”The National Hurricane Center would be reduced to 32 hours a week,” Hopkins said.There would also be far fewer hurricane hunter flights, which are often vital parts of hurricane forecasts.According to Hopkins, large amounts of weather data would be lost.”Can you imagine flying into an airport and they lose all their surface data? There’s really drastic impacts in this cut,” Hopkins said.


see also:

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