Saturday, November 20, 2021

Do you need a COVID-19 booster shot?


 News Release 16-Nov-2021
Lower antibody level doesn't mean less protection from the coronavirus
Peer-Reviewed Publication
University of Georgia


Vaccinated participants showed higher levels of neutralizing antibodies, which serve as lookouts for viruses and alert the body’s immune system when it’s been infected. These individuals’ antibodies were also more effective at binding with the virus, which prevents it from latching onto and infecting cells.

Additionally, the study showed that for most people who were infected with the virus, a single shot of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine was enough to make them fully immune to the coronavirus. Some may require both shots to be fully protected, though, and there’s currently no way to tell who does or doesn’t. So, Ross recommends that everyone—even those who’ve had COVID-19—receive the second shot. “It doesn’t hurt you to get the second one,” he said.


But people who were vaccinated in the spring and don’t qualify for a booster shouldn’t panic.

“Now I don’t know what will happen in another six months or another 12 months, but right now, if you were vaccinated in the spring, you should still have protective antibodies in you,” Ross said. “The elderly tend to lose their immunity more quickly. We see that with influenza too. That’s why they have to get vaccinated again. Younger people can maintain it longer.”

That being said, if you’re eligible for a booster, go for it.

“My attitude is that if you’re offered one, you should get one. It can’t hurt you,” Ross said. “And unfortunately, here in the U.S., many of the vaccines are being thrown away because they reached their expiration date. It’s unfortunate that we’re not shipping them around the world to other people who need them, but if the alternative is throwing them away, I say get a booster shot.”

In addition to getting the COVID-19 vaccine series, social distancing and wearing masks are still one of the most important ways to stop the spread of the disease.


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