Monday, July 22, 2019

Phishing Emails Have Become Very Stealthy. Here Are 5 Ways to Spot Them

A friend got caught by a phishing Facebook message a few days ago.
Read the following link for more info on how to recognize phishing emails.

By Neill Feather

Phishing scams are nothing new. In fact, we've all heard about the "Nigerian prince" phishing emails that have been showing up in inboxes for years.

Unfortunately, phishing attacks continue to increase exponentially in volume, and are considered a serious threat to both companies and individual internet users since they can result in devastating financial losses. In addition, phishing emails can be much harder to recognize than many business owners think.

Cybercriminals have resorted to increasingly sophisticated phishing strategies as of late to get recipients to open, click, and share malicious code. And these tactics are paying off handsomely. Business email compromise (BEC) scams are more successful than ever, with losses reaching $2.7 billion in 2018.

Here are some common phishing trends that business owners should know about and tips for educating employees about them:

What are phishing scams?

Phishing scams typically consist of emails that seem harmless but are actually intended to trick users into sharing sensitive information. This is often accomplished by encouraging the user to click on a malicious link or attachment. Phishing emails get their name because the hackers are "fishing" for your personal information.


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