Bread for the World
How you can help

Globally, women suffer disproportionately from hunger,
disease, and poverty. Especially in developing countries, the
low status of rural women—social, economic, and political—
contributes to high rates of food insecurity and malnutrition
among children as well. Where there is hunger and poverty,
there is almost always poor access to maternal and child
health care.
• Malnourished women give birth to malnourished
children and are at risk of death during childbirth.
• Malnutrition increases the risk that a pregnant women
who is HIV-positive will pass the virus on to her baby.
• Women suffer twice the rate of malnutrition as men.
Girls are twice as likely to die from malnutrition as
The opposite is true too:
• A child born to a mother who can read is 50 percent
more likely to survive past her fifth birthday.
• Each extra year of a mother’s education reduces the
probability of infant mortality by 5 percent to 10
Among children in the developing world younger than
5, an estimated one third—195 million children—are
stunted, and 129 million are underweight.
• In the developing world, 13 percent of children under
5 years old are wasted (they weigh too little for their
height). Five percent, or about 26 million children, are
severely wasted.
• In developing countries, 16 percent of infants, or one in
six, weigh less than 3.3 pounds (2,500 grams) at birth.
Increasing women’s income and status helps ensure better
health and nutrition for their children.
• Women are more likely than men to spend any
additional resources on their children—in one study
from Brazil, 20 times more likely.
• Half of the world’s smallholder farmers are women.
• The share of women employed outside agriculture
remains as low as 20 percent in South Asia, West Asia
and North Africa.
• Even when women are employed, they are typically
paid less and have less financial security than men.
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