Saturday, November 03, 2012

What is best for the country?

Romney says he was able to work with Democratic politicians in Massacusetts when he was governor, while President Obama has not been able to get cooperation from Republicans in Congress to work for the good of the country. That Democrats are willing to cooperate for the common good and Republicans are not is hardly a good reason to vote for Republicans.

I am bemused by those who argue that it would be a good idea to elect Romney because there might be more cooperation from Congress. So we would have a president who is desperate for power, is a constant liar, has no feeling of connection to those who are not in the power elite. And a congress filled with traitors who block economic relief from recession for the sake of making the president look bad enough so they hope he won't be re-elected, because he is in a different party. That might make for getting things done, but not things that would be good for the country!

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