Saturday, November 03, 2012

Utility Companies Deny Right-Wing Media Claims Of Union Discrimination

Same old same old. As a Facebook friend commented:
Breitbart was a right wing political mouthpiece with the Washington Times who had a history of making up stories out of whole cloth. He died in March, and I suspect that his "media empire" is now essentially just another propaganda outlet for the Wash Times, itself a very right leaning newsrag.
To put it in other terms, I'd give the National Enquirer higher marks for journalistic integrity and accuracy here.

November 2, 2012 3:18 PM EDT ››› ANDY NEWBOLD

The right-wing media falsely reported that Alabama-based utility companies were turned away in New Jersey for hurricane disaster relief because they use non-union labor. However, multiple Alabama utility companies mentioned in these media reports say the claims are "rumors" and simply "not true," and New Jersey utility companies have also denied that non-union working crews have been turned away.

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