The GOP are truly evil. Unwanted children are more likely to be abused. Just today, there was a news item about a two-year old who was beaten to death by her 19-year old mother.;_ylt=Am90FG5CaK5Tn4NWWBlT_KKs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTFlN2ExOTlvBHBvcwM4NARzZWMDYWNjb3JkaW9uX3BvbGl0aWNzBHNsawNvYmFtYXRvZHJvcGY-
By Steven Thomma, McClatchy Newspapers Steven Thomma, Mcclatchy Newspapers – Tue Jan 27, 10:31 am ET
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama has told congressional Democrats to drop a proposal to spend money on family planning from the proposed $825 billion plan to stimulate the economy, a White House aide told McClatchy .
Obama is likely to offer that concession when he meets Tuesday with congressional Republicans, who've complained bitterly that the proposal is liberal pork that has nothing to do with stimulating the economy or creating jobs.
"How can you spend hundreds of millions of dollars on contraceptives? How does that stimulate the economy?" asked an incredulous Rep. John Boehner , R- Ohio , his party's leader in the House of Representatives , after an opening meeting Friday with Obama at the White House .
Boehner was to host Obama at a follow-up lunch Tuesday at the Capitol.
Boehner was pointing to a proposal in the bill to expand Medicaid family-planning services. Republicans said the proposal would make taxpayer-financed family-planning services, including contraceptives, available to those who don't qualify for the help now under Medicaid.
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