Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Why he left the republican party



 Jack Hopkins

In the hit series “Dexter”, he often spoke of his “Dark Passenger”; the language he used to describe his overwhelming desire to kill.

For most of us, our “Dark Passengers” are much further down on the scale…and don’t include murder. However, most of us have those things about ourselves that we would probably consider to be “dark” or “not nice.”

That’s when I knew it was time to leave the republican party. When I felt my inner darkness being nurtured.

From the President, on down….I felt that the system had been reorganized. It was now set up-overtly-to reward the “dark” behaviors from those in the republican party.

It wasn’t just that, though. It also included a quick version of some kind of punishment, for any kind of behavior that fell outside the ring of “darkness.” The meaner, the better.  The nicer….the more likely that you really weren’t “all in” on the direction the party was now headed. There were consequences for that. To be accepted by the party required embracing the darkest parts of yourself. Period.

When I not only left the republican party, but also made it widely known that I had, I knew the blow back would be significant. It was. However, if any human being was equipped for that, it was me. My skin is as tough as steel.

The REAL reward, was the one I felt inside, and came after I had made my departure. It didn’t come from other people. It was the knowledge that I had recognized the cost-not only to myself, but to society-of remaining….and evolving, daily, into a worse and worse version of myself.

It wasn’t “like” leaving a cult. It WAS leaving a cult. That’s exactly what it was. It was the right thing, then…and it would be the right thing, now, for anyone currently on the fence.

Go ahead and “jump.” This is one case, where the grass actually IS greener on the other side. Yes, it still needs to be mowed, and you have to keep up with the weeds…but the significantly higher quality of the grass beneath your feet…can be recognized immediately. You’ll want to kick your shoes off…and enjoy walking on it barefooted.
1:52 PM · Apr 18, 2023

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