Thursday, May 26, 2016

Homosexuality as common in Uganda as in other countries

Homosexuality as common in Uganda as in other countries

The results are based on a survey with nearly 3,000 participating students in south-western Uganda. The students responded to a number of questions, including aspects concerning sexuality, physical and mental health, sexual risk behaviour, and experiences with drugs. The questions about homosexuality pertained to the students' emotions as well as their actions. The results showed that one in three had been in love with a person of the same sex; almost one in five had been sexually attracted to a person of the same sex; and one in ten had been sexually active with someone of the same sex. In terms of percentages, 6-8 per cent of the men and 10-16 per cent of the women had engaged in homosexual relations.

"We were not surprised by the results, as the numbers are consistent with the situation in most other countries in the world. The real figures could actually be even higher. Although the survey was anonymous, the intense propaganda against homosexuality in Uganda may have intimidated some from providing honest answers", says Anette Agardh.


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