Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How Rich Are the Super-rich?


March/April 2011 Issue

A huge share of the nation's economic growth over the past 30 years has gone to the top one-hundredth of one percent, who now make an average of $27 million per household. The average income for the bottom 90 percent of us? $31,244.

The richest 10% controls 2/3 of Americans' net worth.

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rjs said...

in not only inequality, but in several other categories, we are the worst of the worst

Patricia said...

Can you give some examples?

I know we compare badly with other industrialized nations in several categories, and compare poorly in some categories with some less industrialized countries.
But I don't know that we are the worst of all countries in any category.

rjs said...

patricia, that "the worst of the worst" is a link to an 8 category IMF comparison chart that i had just posted...if you click it, you see that, for instance, we are also worst in food security, student math scores & prison population...

Patricia said...

Could you post the link here, please. I'm having a hard time finding it.

rjs said...
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Patricia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Patricia said...

Thanks, I was looking at the most recent comment, not the first one. I'll look at it tomorrow.

One place we might be the worst of the worse is per capita greenhouse gas emissions. We have something like 5% population, create 25% of world's greenhouse gases. Until recently, we emitted more in absolute terms, but China might have caught up with us. But they have many more people than we do.

Patricia said...

rjs, I accidently deleted your last comment. I'll try to restore it tomorrow.

rjs said...

it came through on my email, patricia, so ill just paste it back in...

my text hyperlink in that first comment seems to work for me:


you can keep this one or not, just to give you a choice...

Patricia said...

Looking at that link, it compares "advanced economy" countries. Eg., it does not include Sudan or Nigeria. So I wouldn't call it the worst of "the worst". Maybe the worst of the best? The worst of the not horrible?

rjs said...

i only used the expression that was on the chart, i wasnt meaning it to be definitive or argumentative; i had just posted it and wanted to show it to you, that's all...

Patricia said...

Thanks. No problem. I don't want to be like Anne and some people in a discussion group I'm in, who go to the equally irrational opposite extreme from those who worship the U.S. And I'm detail-oriented, even more so because of training in college (math) & profession (computer programmer).

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