Sunday, August 17, 2025


Blogger said I need to post a notice about cookies if theirs doesn't show up, to satisfy European laws. I don't see theirs on my page, maybe because of something to do with my page setup.
So here it is.
Blogger keeps cookies.
I might have apps that keep cookies, I don't know.
I do not personally keep cookies.

Friday, January 03, 2025

Welfare Religion

I wrote this song after my experiences working with people who bragged about being "born again". It didn't keep them from being mean dishonest liars. I started asking them how being "born again" had changed how they treated other people. Not a single one said it had any effect. They ALL looked puzzled at the idea. They admitted it hadn't, but said it made them feel so good.

The on-line book "The Authoritarians", by  Bob Altemeyer, refers to Dietrich Bonhoeffer's coining of the phrase "cheap grace", in chapter 4:
"Cheap Grace. Unfortunately, fundamentalist Protestantism may directly promote hypocrisy among its members through one of its major theological principles: that if one accepts Jesus as a personal savior and asks for the forgiveness of one’s sins, one will be saved. But a lot depends on what “accepts” means. Is one’s life transformed? Do good works increase? Is the born-again person more like Jesus, holier? That would be all to the good. But because of some evangelist preachers, the interpretation has grown that all “accepts” means is a one-time verbal commitment. You say the magic words and you go to heaven, no matter what kind of life you lead afterwards. Many have thought that a pretty sweet deal. You’ve conned a free pass through the Pearly Gates from the Almighty and you can sin and debauch all you want for the rest of your life. "

A nifty phrase. It describes what my poem/song "Welfare Religion" is about. And I have incorporated it into the song.
If you read the Bible, you know that is not what Jesus said. Eg., Matthew 25.

When sung, the last verse is the chorus.

Welfare Religion
copyright Patricia M. Shannon 1996

What would Jesus think if He came to earth today?
Do you think He would be happy with all the folks who say:
"I am saved, alleluia, and I'll live forever more".
But they would never think of giving comfort to the poor.

They say they believe in Jesus and the Bible is all true,
but they ignore what He did say in Chapter 25 of Matthew:
What you do for the less fortunate, you've done it unto Me,
and where you go after you're dead depends upon your deeds.

They say "I feel so good because I have been born again.
And what's that got to do with how I treat my fellow men?
Jesus loves me, this I know, He loves only myself;
it's true, because He doesn't care how I treat anybody else.

I believe in Jesus, no need to change my ways,
just massage His ego once or twice a day.
I believe in Jesus, all it takes is that cheap grace,
to get me into heaven, the perfect welfare state.

Friday, December 06, 2024

My Most Hated Stuff

Since "The Sound of Music", one of my favorite movies, is associated with Christmas, I post this song for Christmas, which is sung to the tune of "My Favorite Things"
The beginning of this song started coming into my head when I was driving in Atlanta in the rain, as it was this morning on the way to work.
(And if you're not sure, yes it's supposed to be humorous :)

My Most Hated Stuff
copyright Patricia M. Shannon 2000
(to the tune of "My Favorite Things"
from "The Sound of Music")

Atlanta drivers, those honking tail-gaters,
who never slow down, whatever the weather,
people who turn up the sound way too much,
these are just some of my most-hated stuff.

Hot southern summers with no air-conditioning,
cold winter days without enough heating,
paychecks that run out 'cause they're not enough,
these are just some of my most-hated stuff.

Life is so short, that it is tough,
not to feel sad.
But I remember my most-hated stuff
and then I don't feel so bad :)

Swimsuits cut so high I don't dare to move,
painful deformed feet from pointy-toed shoes,
pantyhose that simply will not stay up,
these are just some of my most-hated stuff.

Changing the tires, adjusting the brakes,
comp-time I'm owed that they won't let me take,
jock itch that simply will never let up,
these are just some of my most-hated stuff!


Sunday, December 01, 2024

Forged in the Stars

Talented music producer David Leonard recorded my song "Forged in the Stars". He did the production and all the instrumentals.
His web site is

It's available at

Forged in the Stars
copyright 2011 Patricia M. Shannon

Forged in the star that we call our sun,
dance in unbearable light;
flung into space, alone in the dark,
around and around in the night.

Coming together as ages pass by
following gravity’s call;
creating the planets, the comets, and moon,
so many worlds both big and small.

We were forged in the stars,
every atom from which we are formed,
has been recycled thru rocks, trees, and seas,
forever reborn and reborn.

We were forged in the stars,
all the atoms from which we are formed,
have been a part of the rocks, trees, and seas,
forever reborn and reborn.


Friday, November 08, 2024

Point of View

Point of View
copyright 2002 Patricia M. Shannon

There were two men from the same village,
the truest friends you've ever known.
They were blood-brothers when they were children,
They married sisters when they were grown.

They were the best of friends, the best of friends,
brothers of the heart,
They were the best of friends, the best of friends,
nothing ever could tear them apart.

One day the Trickster bet the village,
he could get these friends into a fight;
"Oh, no," said the village,
"We know you can't be right."


Tricks made a coat of different colors,
walked between them so they could view;
"What a lovely red.", said one friend,
said the other : "No, it is blue."

They started shouting at each other
over which one saw it true,
Trickster turned around and showed them
"It's all in your point of view."

They were the best of friends, the best of friends,
brothers of the heart,
They were the best of friends, the best of friends,
they thought nothing could tear them apart.


I'm not an excellent singer, but here is a video if you want to hear the song.

Thursday, November 07, 2024

The Oneness of Being

This song is still for sale on Reverbnation.
It is on Spotify.

Albert Einstein said:

A human being is a part of the whole, called by us "Universe", a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security.

The Oneness of Being
copyright Patricia M. Shannon 1992

The Earth is our mother, and the sun is our father,
They nourish us and sustain us.
Though I stand on a mountaintop alone.
I am not alone, for I am one with all.

The oneness is a blessing, a constant source of strength;
the loneliness of being will rend your heart no more.
But in this world imperfect, it also is a curse,
I feel the pain of others as if it were my own.

Let us work together, and join our hearts as one,
to make a world where children no longer die from guns.
Throw away your hatreds, your wars and your drugs;
the highest high you'll ever know is when you feel as one.


Monday, November 04, 2024

The structure of this blog

I have several blog posts that are at the top of my blog for extended periods of time, because I believe they are of continuing usefulness. So when you look at my blog, the fact that the first few are the same doesn't mean I haven't updated the blog recently.